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PEACE FOUNDATION, established in 1992, is a non-governmental and non-political movement dedicated to fostering global peace, communal harmony, love, brotherhood, prosperity, and justice. Born from the dream of a world where conflicts dissolve through dialogue and mutual understanding, the foundation bridges divides and nurtures a culture of peace and non-violence.

Our essence lies in the values of peace, communal harmony, love, brotherhood, prosperity, and justice. By championing peace through educational programs, community outreach, and international partnerships, we embrace the richness of cultural and religious diversity, promoting tolerance and understanding among diverse communities. We cultivate empathy, compassion, and solidarity, fostering a global brotherhood where love and mutual respect thrive. Furthermore, we support economic and social development projects to uplift marginalized communities and ensure equitable growth, advocating for human rights and social justice to eliminate inequality and uphold the rule of law.

PEACE FOUNDATION was initiated in response to the growing need for a cohesive effort to address conflicts and promote peace globally. The early 1990s were marked by significant geopolitical upheavals, and it became evident that a dedicated movement was essential to foster understanding and harmony across borders. Over the years, our peace-building campaigns have trained around one lakh people, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively.

Our commitment to Jammu and Kashmir is unwavering. We work tirelessly to promote peace and development in this region through a lens of harmony and understanding. Our initiatives strive to weave a tapestry of communal harmony, support economic development, and ensure justice for all residents of Jammu and Kashmir. By engaging local communities, facilitating dialogue, and providing humanitarian aid, we aspire to bring enduring peace and prosperity to this cherished land. Our volunteers are present in every nook and corner of Jammu and Kashmir, embodying our mission and working at the grassroots level to foster peace and reconciliation.

Beyond Jammu and Kashmir, PEACE FOUNDATION has established chapters in all states and union territories of India. Our extensive network of volunteers and partners work collaboratively to spread our message of peace and justice, ensuring that our initiatives reach and impact communities across the nation.

Our unwavering efforts have touched hearts and minds worldwide, fostering peace and harmony across the globe. PEACE FOUNDATION has empowered communities, influenced policies, and inspired countless individuals to embrace the principles of peace and justice.

We invite you to join this movement of peace by contacting PEACE FOUNDATION. Together, we can build a world where peace and prosperity blossom for all.

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