

Peace Foundation Chairman Fayaz Bhat called on Governor.

The Chairman of Peace Foundation Fayaz Ahmad Bhat called on Hon'ble Governor Shri Satya Pal Malik at Rajbhawan Jammu Fayaz Ahmad Bhat briefed him about pre ent ituation and variou activitie of the Foundation, all of which are aimed at promoting peace and trengthening communal harmony in the J&K State

Date: 14 November 2018

45th Peace Conference

JAMMU, JANUARY 28 – Mr N N Vohra, Governor Jammu and Ka hmir, ha empha ized the need for promoting deeper under tanding , communal harmony and brotherhood for e tabli hing la ting peace and normalcy which would pave the way for rapid all round progre and a bright future for the State He urged upon one

Date: 28 January
Location: Jammu, J&K

Arab League Ambassador to India Ahmed Salem al Wahishi speaking at the “Peace Conference”

The Arab League Monday aid it ha “no po ition” on re olution of Ka hmir i ueRuling out hi organi ation’ intervention in re olving the Ka hmir i ue, the Arab League amba ador to India on Monday urged New Delhi and I lamabad for an urgent bilateral ettlement of the 63-year-old que tion, on which,

Date: 16 May
Location: SKICC Srinagar, J&K

Governor Addressing JKPF

Srinagar, June 24 (Scoop New ) – The Governor, N N Vohra, today called upon all the takeholder and the people at large to join hand for en uring la ting peace and trengthening communal harmony and brotherhood to re tore the pa t glory of the State a an abode of peace and tranquility  The Governor

Date: 24 June
Location: Raj Bhavan, Srinagar

women’s peace conference

Srinagar, July 26: Empha izing the crucial importance of en uring the education of girl child Governor, N N Vohra Thur day aid it i imperative for the evolution of a balanced ociety, peedy human and ocial development, economic growth and a bright future of the State The Governor, a Chief Gue t, wa

Date: 26 July
Location: Srinagar, J&K

Disbursement Of Scholarships

Srinagar : Union Mini ter for Human Re ource Development (HRD) Dr M M Pallam Raju Wedne day aid Ka hmir ha witne ed lot of trouble over the pa t two decade and it i time to move ahead a young “India hold a big promi e” for the youth of Jammu and Ka hmir Raju al o aid till recently, he wa not

Date: December
Location: Srinagar, J&K

Peace foundation distributes sewing machines

Srinagar, November 21 (Scoop New ) –Mufti Azam, Mufti Ba hir-ud-Dn today aid that Ka hmir i the Valley of aint peer and awalia kiram who have alway taught the le on of tolerance, brotherhood and amity Mufti Azam wa pre iding over an impre ive function organized by Peace Foundation at SKICC here

Date: 21 November
Location: SKICC Srinagar, J&K

Calls for restoration of lasting peace and harmony in J&K

SRINAGAR, OCTOBER 13 : N N Vohra, Governor, today called upon all the takeholder and the people at large to work toward re toration of la ting peace, communal harmony, amity and brotherhood in Jammu and Ka hmir to revive and promote the State’ pa t glory a an abode of peace and tranquility The

Date: 13 October
Location: South Kashmir

57th One Day Peace Conference

SRINAGAR: In continuation of effort for bringing peace in Ka hmir the 57th One Day Peace Conference wa held at SKICC, Srinagar organized by Jammu And Ka hmir Peace Foundation on the eve of 68th Independence Day Jammu and Ka hmir peace foundation ha been holding uch conference every year on national day

Date: 20 August
Location: Srinagar, J&K


Fayaz Ahmad Bhat (Chairman Jammu and Ka hmir Peace Foundation and Chief Spoke per on A ociation of People' of A ia) today trongly condemned the firing incident at LOC; cau ing de truction and killing of innocent Fayaz Ahmad Bhat aid that the brutal firing at the border alway create de truction and

Date: 5 February 2018
Location: J&K
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