The burden has been immense on the pellet victims and their families.
As people all across Kashmir will be celebrating Eid with festivity and happiness, there are hundreds of Kashmiri youth whose eyesight has been damaged due to pellets and their Eid will be bleak and without merry. The pellet victims of Kashmir have suffered immensely and following their blindness caused by pellet shotguns – their plight has been ignored by society. The pellet victims have not only suffered grave physical injuries but they have undergone psychological trauma and most of them have suffered financially as well. A single surgery on the damaged eye causes several thousand rupees and often the pellet victims have to go outside Kashmir to undergo surgeries on their damaged eyes, in bleak hope of regaining their vision. The burden has been immense on the pellet victims and their families, both financially and psychologically.
J & K Peace Foundation (JKPF) was formed to address the grave humanitarian crisis facing Kashmiri pellet victims as their well being is ignored both by the government and the society. As a voluntary organization, comprising entirely of pellet victims our aim is to address the needs of pellet victims, whether it’s their medical needs or the need for psychological support. We are not a funded organization and depend on the support by common people. Through this appeal, we want to bring to attention the plight of Kashmiri pellet victims who are suffering in multiple ways. We appeal the common citizens of Kashmir to come in support of pellet victims with whatever little they can contribute towards our immediate medical needs.
Due to a large number of pellet victims in Kashmir, the Trust is unable to reach to every victim and offer help. The only way we will be able to reach to every affected individual is when society offers its support and contributes to our medical needs.
As part of Kashmiri society, we need your care and support. Please deposit your contributions directly to J & K Peace Foundation (JKPF) through the bank details given here.