

Kerala Relief Project

Devastating flood is taking toll out of life of minorities and inopportune. Kerala is going through a test period through one of the biggest natural disaster in the history. Tens of thousands have been misplaced losing their shelter and hundreds have died. Over 6 million helpless have been moved to relief camps. The amount of loss in Kerala is unmeasurable. Each single drop of water isn’t much and doesn’t do much to life but remember the ocean is made of each single drop of water that contains so much life. Your single drop of donation can assist to rebuild oceans of relief and help to the neediest. That symbolizes the strength that lies within Indians.


Items victims need the most to help them to rebuild:

  • Sacks of rice grain
  • Condiments
  • Water Cans
  • Sanitary napkin
  • Candles & match boxes
  • Footwear
  • Buckets
  • Cooking utensils
  • Toiletries
  • Blankets
  • School bags
  • Notebooks, stationery
  • Cash