


Start Date: 8 March 2018   |   Last Date: 8 March 2018   |   Time: -
Location: Jammu, J&K

Fayaz Ahmad Bhat (Chairman J&k Peace Foundation and Chief Spokesperson Association of Peoples of Asia) wishes a very happy Women’s Day to all the women on the occasion of International Womens Day.

Fayaz Ahmad Said Womens day is celebrated globally on 8 March every year in honour of their remarkable contribution to our society.The day also commemorates the inspiring role of women around the world to secure women’s rights and build more equitable societies. He said Women’s Day also remembers the voices of many women that go unheard and who continue to be dominated from securing their rights and realizing their full potential.

While paying tribute to women Fayaz Ahmad Bhat said Woman has the power to create, nurture and transform! The word ‘woman’ conjures up the images of selfless love, care and affection and at the same time, women ignite the spirit of power and hope.

Bhat expressed grief and added Unfortunately today women had to fight for their independence and protection of rights. Since decades, women had struggled and are still fighting to express their right to speech, to vote, to equality, to education, to income and most importantly, to freedom.

While throwing light on the objectives of Women’s Day Bhat expressed honour and gratitude towards womens’ contribution to our lives and society. Bhat said this day honours the power and struggles of women who have broken all barriers and reached the pinnacle of success in every sphere of life. He said proudly today, women across the globe actively participate in politics, education, social work, corporate, sports, IT, research & development, innovation and diverse fields, and have left their footprints.

Bhat said several resolutions to protect women’s rights have also been passed globally, which has opened up broader avenues for the growth and development of women in our society. He also added Women’s Day also celebrates the role of women as a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister and a homemaker. The day honours the voices that go unheard, the rights that are dominated and the tears that go unnoticed. Bhat also added Even today, there are millions of women around the world who are either speechless or are struggling hard to secure their rights. The discrimination and inequality is still every prominent, especially in developing and backward countries.

While ending up Fayaz Ahmad Bhat added and hoped Despite all pessimism, International Women’s Day is a special day dedicated only to women and their role in our lives. Though, the true essence of the day lies in identifying the rights and power of women and giving them a stature that they deserve.

Media Secretary