

women’s peace conference

Start Date: 26 July   |   Last Date: 26 July   |   Time: -
Location: Srinagar, J&K

Srinagar, July 26: Emphasizing the crucial importance of ensuring the education of girl child Governor, N N Vohra Thursday said it is imperative for the evolution of a balanced society, speedy human and social development, economic growth and a bright future of the State.

The Governor, as Chief Guest, was addressing after inaugurating a day long Women’s Peace Conference organized by the Jammu and Kashmir Peace Foundation at SKICC here.
The Governor observed that our youth are highly talented and, if an enabling environment and satisfactory educational opportunities are provided to them, particularly to the girl child, our country will progress at a much faster pace. Dwelling on the country-wide scenario, he added that wherever the required focus has been effectively devoted to the advancement of women education the State has developed speedily.

Referring to the unfortunate phase through which the State passed in the past years, the Governor observed that this had caused a serious setback to the education sector. He, however, expressed satisfaction that the situation is now fast improving and things have started looking up.
The Governor expressed his serious concern over female foeticide and decreasing female population ratio and urged the launching of a large scale awareness campaign, organized jointly by the Health, Education and Publicity Departments, to make the people aware and ensure against such criminal activities.
The Governor congratulated, Fayaz Ahmad Bhat, Chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Peace Foundation and all those associated with this movement, for joining the laudable initiative of spreading the message of peace and harmony.
Mamta Sharma, Chairperson, National Commission for Women, speaking on the occasion enumerated the various initiatives taken by the Commission to generate awareness among women about the policies and programmes of the Government aimed at their socio-economic empowerment. She observed that to secure these objectives there is need for attitudinal change and also suggested the establishment of fast track courts for trial of cases pertaining to excesses against women.
Khem Lata Wakhloo, Chairperson, J&K Social Welfare Board, lauded the J&K Peace Foundation for its untiring efforts to strengthen peace and harmony in the State. She stressed for reviving and strengthening the spirit of Kashmiriyat and glorious pluralistic ethos for which the State has been known.
Fayaz Ahmad Bhat, Chairman, J&K Peace Foundation, in his welcome address, dwelt on the aims and objects of organizing this Conference, the details of the participants, the activities of the Foundation and its future roadmap.
Shahzadi Simon, President, Women Wing of the Foundation, in her welcome address, emphasized on the importance of securing the social, economic and political empowerment of women.  Prominent among those present on the occasion were Ghulam Hassan Mir, Minister for Agriculture, MLC, Sheikh Ghulam Rasool, Farooq Renzushah, Vice Chairman, Srinagar Development Authority, religious scholars, functionaries of the Peace Foundation and a large number of women.